Several of our guides have been out on a variety of different waters lately and the last few days have produced some outstanding fishing. Midges continue to produce good dry fly fishing on the Gallatin and Lower Madison. We had a very good report from the lower end of Bear Trap canyon that produced good nymph fishing on standards like a copper john followed by fish working the midge hatch on the surface. The Gallatin continues to fish well both in the canyon and below with great nymphing on worms, eggs, rubber legs and small baetis nymphs. Midge hatches mid day on the Gallatin can produce good fishing on the surface if you can find some slower water (they just don't want to work too hard right now). We had some guides on the Boulder and they had banner days but didn't see any of the larger Yellowstone River fish that can work their way up the river this time of year. Rubber legs and baetis nymphs were the ticket. The guys also had some nice dry fly hatch over one of the strongest baetis hatches of the year to date....it looks like the blue winged olives have finally arrived!
Montana fly fishing during the next few weeks should produce terrific action as the baetis hatch continues to grow in strength. March Browns will become more important soon. These large mayflies can bring up some very large trout. The Mother's Day Caddis is still about 2 weeks a way but some of the first caddis of the year were out on the Lower Madison over the weekend.