2014 Montana Fishing Season Forecast
We are now into April and our snowpack across Montana is healthy and above average. For those of you were out here three seasons ago when we had the record breaking high water year we aren’t expecting anything like that, just a near “perfect” scenario of slightly above average snow. Generally...
Fly Fishing Chile Trip Report: Magic Waters Lodge Patagonia
“Do you have anything bigger” was Eduardo’s response when he looked at my attractor dry fly box after we arrived at his fishing lodge in Chilean Patagonia. As a Montana fly fishing guide I pride myself on my collection of “big ugly” rubber legged, foam laden dry flies. Apparently my copious supply...
How to fish the Salmon fly Hatch (or not)
The Salmon fly hatch in Montana is one of the world's most legendary fishing spectacles. It ranks near the top with fishing the giant migratory tarpon of the Homosassa flats, site fishing to back country New Zealand trout, Tierra del Fuego sea run browns, the green drake hatch on Penn's Creek and...
Low Pressure Trout Strategies
Trout are smart. Their peanut sized brain my not afford them the kind of intelligence needed to use sign language with their fins or swim a choreographed ballet at sea world, but they do have the cunning to identify fake food with a hook in it. The fact of the matter is that trout remember getting...
When Is The Best Time To Fish Montana?
This is one of our most commonly asked questions. It is also one of the most difficult to answer. As with most fishing related conversations the initial answer to questions inquiring about the best time of year is “it depends”. There are several reasons why selecting a single time of year to...
Fly Fishing Montana In November Produces Big Results
Fall fishing has a cult following in Montana. Die hard anglers visit the Big Sky state in October every year hoping to hook up with the fish of a lifetime. For a variety of reasons, most angler put their fall fishing eggs in the October basket and ignore the late fall. Rivers in November are...
How to Choose the Best Montana Fly Fishing Lodge
The quality of your fishing experience on your valuable vacation time on a trip to Montana is usually the top priority for most our guests but a close second is the quality of the lodging. Fishing lodges offer a great environment that helps to extend the vacation feel beyond your time on the water...
Montana Fly Fishing for Carp
Montana fly fishing has deservedly gained a reputation for offering some of the world's finest angling for wild trout. Visiting anglers come to Montana in search of pristine waters, large trout, great hatches and unparalleled scenery. Carp fishing on Montana fishing trips is not usually what most...
Spring Fly Fishing in Montana
Some of Montana's best hatches occur early in the season before the rivers become swollen with snowmelt. Savvy anglers have realized that targeting these hatches can provide some fantastic early season dry fly fishing. Many Montana fly fishing guides rate the spring as their favorite time to hit...
The Madison River's Return to Greatness: Recovery from Whirling Disease
Montana's Madison River has long been one of the most famous and revered rivers in the world. The river often is listed as the number one trout river in North American and appears in books with titles like "50 places to fish before you die". In the mid 90s everything changed for the river when a...