Fly Fishing for Large Trout
Montana fly fishing has become synonymous with big rivers and large wild trout. With hundreds of thousands of miles of quality trout streams, spectacular scenery and an unspoiled landscape it is easy to see why the state holds a special place in the hearts of fly fisherman from around the globe...
Make Your First Cast Count
Do you have a friend that seems to consistently put more fish in the net that you? It would be nice to know what separates an average angler from a super charged, fish catching cyborg? When it comes to fly fishing in Montana or in the West on some larger rivers or streams, being a good caster is...
How to Catch Huge Montana Brown Trout in the Rain
Catching a truly massive brown trout is a lifelong pursuit for many anglers. While browns are common in many of Montana’s best fly fishing rivers, catching and landing big browns over 20” is a challenge. Rainy days can be a blessing for anglers in pursuit of the largest brown trout in the river...
How to Pack for a Fly Fishing Trip to Patagonia
I’ll never forget my first fly-fishing trip to Patagonia. There was a palpable sense of anticipation – the sort that goes on for months, creeps into every discussion, has you exploring far-flung rivers on Google Earth at work. The moment I booked tickets I was consumed. And there’s a solid chance...
How to Rig and Fish a Dry-Dropper Set Up for Montana Fishing
If you are in the process of planning your next fishing adventure to the fabled trout waters of southwestern Montana, you know there is a lot to think about. You’ll need to know which rivers have the hungriest fish, as well as what the fish will be feeding on. A savvy researcher can quickly learn...
Finding the Best Fly Fishing Guide for Your Montana Trip
There are myriad ways people discover fly fishing. Learning how to catch a fish with a fly rod is another matter entirely. Some aspiring anglers are fortunate enough to have a family member, spouse or friend who is an avid flyfisher. Others explore the sport on their own, learning knots and casting...
Selecting a fly rod for Montana's small streams
Choosing the Best Fly Rod for Fishing Small Streams in Montana Many of our favorite Montana fly fishing rivers and creeks are small water, wade fishing options. The intimate setting and often eager fish make for a fun and exciting way to spend the day. The majority of these small streams are best...
3 Tips for Fishing Montana's Salmonfly Hatch
Montana’s rich and varied wild trout fisheries offer anglers year round fishing opportunities. While it is difficult to elevate any one time of the year as the “best” time to fish the Big Sky state’s blue ribbon rivers, there is no doubt that the most anticipated time of year coincides with the...
3 Tips to Improve Your Fly Fishing Photography
Catching a great fish in a beautiful location is one of the joys of fly fishing. Looking back over a lifetime and remembering those moments spent with friends and family can enhance the experience. And there is no better way to bring back those memories than with a great photograph. But too often...
High Water and High Times: Fishing Montana's Freestone Rivers During Run-off
If there was a time of year that strikes despair and fear into any anglers heart it would be fishing rivers at their high water or runoff stage. A perception of doom and gloom can occur in such a time, but often opportunities to fish during runoff exist...just a little extra effort might be in order...