Fishing The Salmonfly Hatch in Yellowstone Park
The Salmonfly Hatch is one of the most anticipated events each year here in the northern Rockies. Locals and visiting anglers alike eagerly await the chance to fish dry flies so large that they often draw laughs or skeptical looks from those who have never witnessed the hatch. Yellowstone Park is an...
Fly fishing knots: From reel arbor to fly
Does tying knots have you all tangled up? Let us show you the knots you need for a day's fly fishing! Our guides and staff aren't just pros at untangling knots, they're also experts at tying knots! In this post we’ll explain each knot, starting at the reel arbor and working our way out to tying your...
Brazilian Amazon Trip Report: Agua Boa Lodge
It was a clear morning as the Cessna Caravan lifted above the city of Manaus Brazil. Our group was flying two hours over the Amazon jungle to spend a week fishing for peacock bass and a variety of other species at the Agua Boa Amazon Lodge. I peered thru the window, anxious to get a look at this new...
Fly Fishing Montana's Lakes: Stillwater Indicator Basics
Stillwater Indicator Fishing Basics At Montana Angler we’ve got a wide variety of stillwater fishing options that add a fun and different option for our guided fly fishing trips. Stillwaters can actually produce some of the largest fish a fly fisherman may catch in Montana. We often target smaller...
Flies for Montana Rivers: Soft Hackles
Flies for Montana Rivers: Soft hackles There are few things in fly fishing that are more satisfying than tying flies that adhere to the adage “less is more.” Soft hackle flies are a perfect example of flies that play off of simplicity, clean lines, and perfect proportions. They’re also very fun and...
Skating Caddis for Montana Trout
When we are first learning to fly fish the concept of the dead drift is constantly reinforced. It almost seems as if beginners are taught that trout won’t eat a fly unless it has zero drag on it and it’s drifting along perfectly with the current. Fortunately, not all insects just “dead drifting”...
Tips For Fishing Montana's Small Streams
Tips for fly fishing Montana's small streams As the snow flies during the winter months here in Montana it is easy for the mind to wander to warmer days spent exploring the intimate water that we fly anglers hold near and dear to our hearts. Perhaps a sense of exploration pulls us toward fly fishing...
Montana Fly of the Month: February
Montana Fly of the Month: February 2018 The Juju Emerger tied by Charlie Craven Winter fly fishing conditions reign supreme during February and a staple of the midwinter Montana angler’s fly selection has got to be a variety of tiny midges and small nymph patterns. The majority of insects that are...
Terrestrial fly fishing in Chile: The Cantaria Beetle
Do you like fishing huge dry flies? Chile is the perfect place! The Chilean Cantaria beetle is a unique food source that makes for some incredibly exciting fishing opportunities on our Chilean fishing trips. Most flies that we use to imitate this giant food source tend to be tied on size 1-4 hooks...
Alaska Spring Steelhead
VIAGGIO Steelhead Explorer Trip Report – Bill Buchbauer April 26th – May 8th 2017 Petersburg, Alaska Each Spring I am drawn back to SE Alaska in search of steelhead and adventure. In April and May thousands of wild steelhead make their spawning runs into the pristine streams and rivers of the...