Fishing Yellowstone National Park in June
Although June is the height of run-off here in the Northern Rockies, fishing options in Yellowstone National Park abound. In fact, fishing the park during June is one of the premier ways to beat run-off. The fishing season in YNP opens Memorial Day weekend so the fish will not have faced much...
5 Tips for Avoiding Knots and Tangles When Nymph Fishing
How can you fish more without going fishing more? The simple answer is to make your time on the water more efficient by avoiding knots and tangles. Let’s face the facts: knots happen and are part of the game of fly fishing, If you can’t stomach a few tangles on the water, then you shouldn't be...
Patagonia Baker Lodge Trip Report
Patagonia Baker Lodge trip report for March 13th - 17th 2017 Arrival / Baker Having heard and read about the mighty Baker River in southern Chile for years, it finally fell into the crosshairs for myself to host a trip with 3 great fishing buddies. As we walked through the doors of the Patagonia...
Southern Belize Fly Fishing Trip Report: Copal Tree Lodge
Belize is home to some of the world’s best flats fishing on a fly rod. The small country is protected by one of the longest barrier reefs in the world (second only to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef). The barrier reef system that runs the length of the country protects a vast interior network of...
3 Best Destinations to Catch Your 1st Permit
Fly Fishing for your first permit Fly Fishing for permit often becomes a lifelong endeavor. But before anglers become consumed with hunting, stalking, casting, and hopefully hooking, you'll need to catch your first permit. Like so many other things in life, not angling related things, the first time...
Cuba Fly Fishing Trip Report | Playa Larga 2017
There is something about Cuba… Maybe it’s the allure of traveling to a forbidden (or once forbidden) land that creates the attraction for many citizens of the US. Is it the rebellious pride that comes from telling friends, family, and acquaintances that you are traveling to Cuba, or that you’ve just...
September Fishing in Yellowstone National Park
September in the greater Yellowstone region is quickly becoming one of the most popular times to visit and fish. September is a great time to fish Yellowstone National Park because water temperatures are dropping into the optimal range and trout feel the urge to pack on the pounds for the upcoming...
5 Tips For Late Summer Fishing In Yellowstone Park
Late summer is one of the most popular times to visit and fish in Yellowstone Park. According to the Park Service, August accounts for almost 25% of yearly visits to the park, and my guide calendar backs up that fact. Although it is the most convenient time to visit for many folks, August and early...
Fly Fishing Chile Trip Report: A Wilderness Backcountry Adventure
We recently enjoyed a unique adventure into one of the most remote regions of Patagonia to sample a new back country camp with our friends at Magic Waters Lodge. After years of staring at maps of a large but untouched river system our friend Eduardo let us know that they had pioneered a route into...
4 Tips For Fishing The Madison River in August
August is an extremely popular time to visit and flyfish the Madison River. The Madison can fish well during all 12 months of the year, and each month sees a different set of challenges for fishermen to solve. During August, those challenges can include warm, sunny weather, fishing pressure, and in...